Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Missing; Pt. 1

The world's faire is a wonderful place to go to see a whole lot of new creations and crafts, and luckily it is being held in St. Louis this year. As it turns out, an old teacher of mine, Dr. Freidrich Van Horn, is going to be there unveiling his latest design, and by happenstance I've run into one of his colleagues - a Mr. Jebediah Crane, who was in a store purchasing some supplies.

We spoke at length about the faire, and after learning of my connection to Dr. Van Horn has invited me to attend the faire with him. I will have a chance to speak with my old professor personally, though I doubt he would remember me.

Things do seem to coincide quite nicely sometimes, as I am actually in the area on other business, specifically the dissapearance from several storehouses of some very specific equipment, some of which was my own. I don't know exactly what all of the missing components and equipment would be used for, most of it was just junk really. I had almost forgotten about the storehouse, as it has been several years since I originally paid for it, and I've been doing a lot of travelling since then.

My own involvement as owner of some of the missing parts aside, what has peaqued my curiosity is the singular fact that all of these break-ins and thefts occurred at relatively the same time on the same day. For now, I have just arrived and am weary from my journey and have a dinner date to attend so I will have to put off my investigation of this matter until the morning.

At the same shop where I was speaking with Mr. Crane, shortly after he left I met a charming woman with more than a passing interest in Alchemy named Angelica Boron. It's always nice to meet intelligent people. I find her intriguing, and tired as I am, I am quite looking forward to dinner - as long as I havn't lost the note with her adress on it. I'm pretty sure I put it in my pocket, but finding it could be a bit difficult.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr. Mikaeus,

    I accept your offer to attend the St. Louis World Fair next week. Please let me know when you will arrive to escort me.

    Ms. A. Boron
